Egypt Energy is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


قطاعات مصر للطاقة 2024

Smart Solutions

Smart Solutions at Egypt Energy is the region's leading, largest and longest-running showcase of both conventional and stand-by power related products.


Critical & Backup Power

Egypt Energy's successful sector, Critical and backup Power will be the host for more than 25 exhibitors and suppliers to showcase and present the latest technologies and products in the market


Transmission & Distribution

Egypt Energy's successful sector, Transmission & Distribution will be the host for more than 55 exhibitors and suppliers to showcase and present the latest technologies and products in the market.

Renewables & Clean Energy

Renewables covers the three key areas of the sector including solar, wind and hydro energy solutions from across the world.

Energy Consumption & Management

From smart buildings with a focus on automation, data and energy efficiency, to transformative lighting systems; strategic focus and business direction is now geared towards the global smart technology market.