Egypt Energy represents a fantastic opportunity to play your part in helping forge the new standards required for the new sustainable transmission era.
Globally, we are witnessing a paradigm shift as transmission and distribution systems undergo fundamental transformation – in utilising new technologies and shifting to a more decentralized energy infrastructure. This new era is characterised by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, and more flexible new technologies such as fuel cells and battery storage. Inverter-based resources (IBRs) such as solar photovoltaics and battery storage have different characteristics to more traditional resources.
From a sustainability perspective, the T&D sector will see an increase in renewable energy systems and other new technologies being introduced into the grid.
And new communication technologies will come to the fore at this year’s event. Secure communication to and within systems promotes safer operations and more effective communication between technologies at different points in the power system. Of course, better communications enable better preventative maintenance operations, and easier adoption of new technologies.